Day 155: Symphony No. 9 in D minor (Karajan)

My listening post this morning is my happy place – the second floor of our local library. When I die, I want to be buried in a library. Or a coffin shaped like a book. Books and music are my two biggest passions. So me being here, with Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan, Berliner Philharmoniker, … [Read more…]

Day 154: Symphony No. 9 in D minor (Karajan)

My listening post this morning is the Restaurant-Chain-That-Must-Not-Be-Named where I am listening to a table of five guys conduct a Bible study, while I sip my Light Roast coffee, and eat a twice-toasted bagel with cream cheese. Even though it’s 7:38am, it’s still pitch black outside. I prefer being here at 6am. But I had … [Read more…]

Day 137: Symphony No. 8 in F major (Karajan)

My listening post this morning is nowhere special. What I’m hoping is special is this performance from German conductor Herbert von Karajan (1908-1989), Berliner Philharmoniker, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 8 in F major. I encountered Maestro Karajan’s legendary 1977 cycle seven times previously, on… Day 11. Rating: “Meh!” Day 29. Rating: “Huzzah!” Day 47. Rating: … [Read more…]

Day 136: Symphony No. 8 in F major (Karajan)

This morning, my listening post is the cafeteria of a local grocery store chain, a Starbucks Blonde Roast (“That’ll be a pour over. Is that okay?”) and a blueberry muffin (“It’s good warmed up a little”) on my right. Nothing but a sunny day streaming in on my left. The sun. Wow. What is that … [Read more…]

Day 119: Symphony No. 7 in A major (Karajan)

My listening post this morning is Baker Book House, the largest theological book store in the Midwest. This is an amazing place to work, get coffee, eat a scone, and browse rows and rows and rows and rows of books, especially used books. Anyway, here I am listing to Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan (1908-1989), … [Read more…]

Day 118: Symphony No. 7 in A major (Karajan)

My listening post this morning overlooks the early November snow and the increasingly more iced-over lake. Global Warming, my ass. Anyway, as I sit here freezing my aforementioned ass off, I’m listening to Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan (1908-1989) from his legendary 1963 Beethoven cycle, Berliner Philharmoniker, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A major. … [Read more…]

Day 101: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Karajan)

A milestone! Today marks 100 days of listening to Beethoven and writing about it. That’s over three months to you and me. So here I sit in a Tim Horton’s restaurant (Tim Horton’s is a Canadian-based restaurant chain that recently ventured into Michigan) sipping their chicory-laced coffee and listening to Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan … [Read more…]

Day 100: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Karajan)

My office this morning is my office this morning. On a Saturday, no less. Yet, here I am – with Whitesnake’s Slip of the Tongue album playing as background, a fresh-brewed cup o’ Joe beside me, and all the time I want, and all the time I need (shades of “Time Enough At Last”!) to … [Read more…]

Day 83: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Karajan)

This morning, I return to Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan (1908-1989), the Berliner Philharominiker, and Beethoven’s incomparable Symphony No. 5 in C minor. We’ve had a blustery, cold, rainy Fall here in West Michigan. October is my favorite month – normally. This year, it’s one of my least favorite. It’s been too cold and rainy … [Read more…]

Day 65: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Karajan)

My office on this beautiful, sunny Sunday is the balcony overlooking the lake. Current temperature is 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Time is 12:23pm. I first encountered Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan’s famed 1977 Beethoven cycle on… Day 11. Rating: “Meh!” Day 29. Rating: “Huzzah!” Day 47. Rating: “Huzzah!” What will today bring – “Meh!”? Or “Huzzah!”? … [Read more…]